Linhas e Fotografias

(Imagem : Martim Whatson)

“Quero-te para sonho,
Não para te amar.”


- Riche Levin vs Fernando Pessoa


A lua mostrava um finíssimo sorriso. O céu esvaziava-se da luz afirmativa de um dia quente. Os caminhos tomavam o fascínio de um palco onde o gesto sai longo, desimpedido. Com os sonhos desfeitos, percebera que quem nos desengana é nosso mestre.
"We must drop all reference points, all concepts of what is or what should be. Then it is possible to experience the uniqueness and vividness of phenomena directly. There is tremendous room to experience things, to allow expirience to occur and pass away. Movement happens within vast space, whatever happens, pleasure and pain,birth and death, and so forth, are not interfered with but are experienced in their fullest flavor.Whether they are sweet or sour, they are expirienced completely, without philosophical overlays or emotional attitudes to make things seem lovable or presentable. We are never trapped in life, because there are constant opportunities for creativity, challenges for improvisation. Ironically, by seeing clearly and acknowledging our egolessness, we may discover that suffering contains bliss, impermanence contains continuity or eternity, and egolessness contains the earth quality of solid being. But this transcendental bliss, continuity, and beingness are not based on fantasies, ideas, or fears."

- George Love vs Chögyam Trungpa